Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wedding Dress: How to Store a Wedding Dress

Aside from being an expensive item, wedding dress possess a sentimental value and the owner usually wants to keep it as long as possible. After the wedding, one of the important things to do is storing your wedding dress properly. Wedding dress needs special care to prevent it from being damaged by stain or dust. These are the tips to store your wedding dress safely:

  • After the wedding, dry-clean your wedding dress right away. You might not be aware that during the wedding ceremony or banquet, some stains caused by sweat, dirt, or champagne have left a mark on your dress. If you didn't postpone cleaning your wedding dress, this will keep the stains and dirt from destroying your dress.
  • After being properly cleaned and perfectly dried, you can hang your wedding dress inside your cabinet. Store the dress inside a special pouch that is specifically made to store fabric for a long period of time. Avoid using plastic pouch. Plastic pouch does not allow movements of air, and it can trap some humidity inside it. Humidity can destroy your wedding dress. Use only breathable pouches.
  • When you hang your wedding dress in the cabinet, make sure that the bottom part of the dress does not touch the bottom of the cabinet. For a long period of time this will create a wrinkle that will be hard to smoothen.
  • Remember to get your wedding dress out of the cabinet and ventilate it periodically. This will make sure that the dress will stay in a good condition, and you'll have the time to examine if your precious wedding dress still looks okay.
  • If you would like to use the wedding dress after the wedding, use steam to smoothen the fabric of your wedding dress. After you use the dress, don't forget to wash it again.

Storing the wedding dress properly will help to keep the dress intact for years. If you do it correctly, your kids might even be able to use it too on their wedding someday. So, you better take good care of your dress.